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ResearchFDI, Inc. supports Special Olympics Ontario at the 41st annual St-Thomas Sports Spectacular

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January 25, 2019
ArticlesNews & Media

ResearchFDI, a business intelligence and investment attraction consulting firm, announced today the appointment of Omar El- Saloussi, Director of Toronto Operations, to oversee their Toronto office in one of Canada’s most prominent economic markets.

Mr. El- Saloussi, Director of Toronto Operations, joined ResearchFDI as a Project Manager and has worked as a Senior Investment Representative for DAFZA (Dubai Airport Freezone) and will continue to act as liaison to the firm’s Middle Eastern clientele. Omar will oversee a team of In-Market Representatives, Economic Development Consultants and Project Managers.

“Our Toronto office allows us to service our clients in the Ontario region while also enabling us to provide on-the-ground assistance to our clients conducting trade and investment missions to the booming city,” said Bruce Takefman, President. ” We are fortunate to have Omar relocate to assume leadership of the office.”

Omar El- Saloussi, Director of Toronto Operations added, “I’m thrilled to be tasked with managing our Toronto branch and to do so with the support of our Montreal headquarters and our incredibly talented team spread out across the globe.”

About ResearchFDI, Inc.

Based in Montreal, ResearchFDI is a specialized market research firm that provides customized lead generation and business intelligence services for economic development organizations and regional promotion agencies, intended to identify and capture FDI and direct investment opportunities. We position Economic Developers in front of corporate decision makers that are seeking to expand or relocate their businesses to new geographic locations. We are focused on helping our clients create important business relationships that will serve to grow awareness of their region, promote its economic strengths and attract direct investment.

Stefan Calimanu, Media Relations
(514) 439-5951


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