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New Zealand’s Alternative Protein Market: Industry Insights and Opportunities

Project Summary

New Zealand Trade & Enterprise’s U.S. based office contracted ResearchFDI to complete an industry report of the alternative protein industry that would provide an understanding of both the global market and how New Zealand was positioned to attract investment in this emerging sector. The industry report completed by ResearchFDI is a is a systematic examination of the alternative protein industry in North America and potential business attraction opportunities for New Zealand trade and businesses. This case study highlights the systematic examination of the alternative protein industry that was completed and serves as a testament to how ResearchFDI’s expertise and methodology empowered New Zealand Trade & Enterprise to uncover untapped business attraction opportunities. 

Study Approach and Objectives:  

The Alternative Protein Industry Study is a comprehensive exploration of the alternative protein industry in North America, with a focus on potential business opportunities for New Zealand trade and businesses.  

The report’s primary objectives were to provide New Zealand Trade & Enterprise with a well-rounded understanding of the alternative protein industry, its segments, and key trends, and to evaluate the high-growth sub-sectors of plant-based proteins and seaweed with potential for expansion and job creation in New Zealand from North America and other regions for attracting investment. To achieve these goals, the report is organized into four chapters: 

  1. Assessing the global the alternative protein sector 
  2. Analyzing existing supply-chains 
  3. Examining the current state of the North American alternative protein market 
  4. Exploring opportunities for New Zealand businesses 

Overall, the research report aimed to equip New Zealand Trade & Enterprise with the insights needed to design successful outreach campaigns and guide future marketing efforts to attract investment and trade opportunities to New Zealand in the alternative protein sector. 

Activities & Results

The report’s core activities revolve around a structured examination of this sector, divided into four chapters, ResearchFDI examined the various segments of the alternative protein industry, providing New Zealand Trade & Enterprise with valuable insights, identifying factors influencing corporate decisions and paving the way for successful marketing and outreach campaigns in the future. 

  • Global Industry Assessment: A comprehensive assessment of the alternative protein sector, provided insights into the market’s current and projected size, and profiles the major players and clusters shaping the industry. The insights gained from this assessment provided an understanding the driving forces, challenges, and emerging trends, allowing New Zealand businesses to chart a strategic course for success. 
  • Value Chains Unveiled: A value chain analysis provided an in-depth examination of the value chains of plant proteins and marine algae – the two target industries identified. This examination unveiled the key actors in these value chains, from production to distribution, providing recommendations for optimization. 
  • Breakdown of the North American Market: An examination of the North American alternative protein market, with a special focus on plant proteins and algae in Canada, Mexico, and the USA, identified the market players, promising start-ups, and ingredient sourcing patterns. This information was used to create a general understanding of production factors and uncover future opportunities for New Zealand as a major producer of alternative proteins. 
  • Seizing New Zealand’s Business Opportunities: An analysis of New Zealand’s opportunities in the global market for plant-based proteins and seaweed provided a summary of summarizes the current status of these industries in New Zealand and discusses various opportunities along the value chain, from raw materials to processing and end-product manufacturing. This analysis served as a blueprint for New Zealand’s journey into the global alternative protein market. 


The industry report conducted by ResearchFDI for New Zealand Trade & Enterprise has provided invaluable insights into the alternative protein industry in North America and has illuminated the path for New Zealand to tap into this emerging sector. The results of the report underscore the significance of research-driven strategies and the critical role that well-informed reports play in guiding investment decisions. By leveraging ResearchFDI’s expertise, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise is now better equipped to design effective outreach campaigns and tailor marketing efforts to attract investment and trade opportunities in the alternative protein sector. As the alternative protein industry continues to grow, New Zealand is well-positioned to seize its share of the market and contribute to its global expansion.Â